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The Elmwood Murdock Merchants Association (EMMA) is a group of local merchants and community members who are involved in promoting economic activity and community betterment.

EMMA sponsors the annual Holiday Extravaganza in Elmwood and Murdock's 4th of July celebration. Both events attract visitors to the area and provide fun activities. EMMA provides scholarships for E-M students, encourages business district preservation, awards Good Neighbor recognition, holds community drawings, promotes the communities of Elmwood and Murdock at the county fair, and organizes garage sale day. The events are planned and carried out by EMMA members and promotional costs are partially covered by a grant from the Cass County Visitors Promotion Committee.

To promote community improvement, EMMA offers two grants for up to $250 each. The funds provided by this grant are intended to improve and promote the communities of Elmwood and Murdock. Grants can be written for $500 with potential reimbursement of $250. In other words EMMA will match 50% up to $250. One grant will be awarded on February 1st and one on August 1st. EMMA members and local non-profit organizations are eligible for the grant. The funds could be used for a new sign, curb appeal improvements, brochures, etc.

Member businesses also benefit from our bulk mailing permit and promotions during the Holiday Extravaganza and 4th of July events. Business membership dues are $25 if paid by the end of January. Non-business memberships for individual community "Leaders" are $10, and the annual dues for "Student" members are $5.

Millie Anderson - Newsletter

- Business Recognition

BJ Burrows - Economic Development
Bonnie Brewer - Social Media

Julie Anderson - Good Neighbor

Julie Anderson - Web Site
Kurk Shrader - EMMA Grant


Kris Shrader - President

Dana Stahl - Vice President

Andy Clements - Treasurer

Rebecca Kicak - Secretary



ash grove, corn growers state bank, oxbow, the journal, midwest farmers coop, fountain creek design works, american exchange bank, stock seed farms, emma, elmwood murdock, community, small town
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